
Thursday, August 31, 2006

I think I could count on two hands

how many times I got out of the city this summer... you would have to include going to a rest stop off of the Mass Pike as one of those times. And the two times I went one town over to go to a friend's for dinner. But we made those few times count.

(for the record: Somerville is considered Urban Core in my database)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Here is a photo from yesterday's commute. I was on the Gilmore Bridge going to Charlestown. There is a new condo development going up next to the bridge to the right of the picture (matching a big luxury condo development in the godforsaken patch of land on the other side of the bridge). To the left are commuter rail tracks and the purple building is some kind of train maintenance shed. I have often seen a black & white cat patrolling the edges of the big puddles.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to it

I've had an alternately tiring and restful summer. I took some time off from blogging because I was working on portrait projects with kids that I couldn't post, but we did have an exhibit that I was very proud of. Here's a sample from that project:

Also did some traveling, had some intense family-of-origin time, maintained my home a little bit and did double workouts while Sidekick was away with her grandparents.

And did lots & lots of biking in very unphotogenic places.

Getting back into taking pictures & blogging, slowly.