
Monday, February 27, 2006

More Ice

The ice at the edges of the harbor has cracked into a swirly pattern and each piece has a little fringe of shattered bits and new ice. I like the way it all moves up and down. It's an ice collage. The lines are kind of like the Hockney pool water lines. The MFA would have you believe the whole town is Hockney-mad right now, but I'm not sure we'll be seeing middle-aged women running around town with Hockney reproductions on tote bags. He's got a bit too much of an edge... an uncomfortable unblinking gaze, improbably bright colors and strange fashion preserved for history.

Over on the other side of the locks, it looks like bits of litter in the river have collected ice around their midpoints. It's very strange to see an old coffee cup wearing an ice tutu and bobbing in the water. I didn't get a good shot because it is really brutally cold today, and I felt a little self-conscious about taking pictures of litter bobbing in dirty water.

The locks collect a nasty assortment at the corners in every season. Maybe I will get a shot of it to deter would-be litterers. On the other hand, maybe litterers are immune to a purely aesthetic argument if you look at the kinds of things they throw away-- fast food cups, chip bags, styrofoam.


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